Microprocessor 2 Labs v2.0
Microprocessor 2 Lab Documenation
No Matches
Lab 14 ADC with LCD


  • The objective of this lab is to utilize the ADC peripheral alongside the LCD driver to create a digital multimeter (DMM). The LCD driver was provided by the main author of this documentation, Jesus Minjares, the driver can be found here: LCD Driver.


  • Undergrad Bonus:
    • Use the digital multimeter to read a simple voltage-divider circuit.
  • Grad Bonus:
    • Using the ADC readings control the sweeper function from previous labs. Use up to 6 LEDs to demonstrate it. When the ADC reads the lowest value the LSB LED must turn on and when the ADC reads the highest value the MSB LED must turn on.

ESP32 Pinout

| O | USB | O |
| ------- |
3V3 | [ ] [ ] | VIN
GND | [ ] [ ] | GND
Touch3 / HSPI_CS0 / ADC2_3 / GPIO15 | [ ] [ ] | GPIO13 / ADC2_4 / HSPI_ID / Touch4
CS / Touch2 / HSPI_WP / ADC2_2 / GPIO2 | [ ] [ ] | GPIO12 / ADC2_5 / HSPI_Q / Touch5
Touch0 / HSPI_HD / ADC2_0 / GPIO4 | [ ] [ ] | GPIO14 / ADC2_6 / HSPI_CLK / Touch6
U2_RXD / GPIO16 | [ ] [ ] | GPIO27 / ADC2_7 / Touch7
U2_TXD / GPIO17 | [ ] [ ] | GPIO26 / ADC2_9 / DAC2
V_SPI_CS0 / GPIO5 | [ ] ___________ [ ] | GPIO25 / ADC2_8 / DAC1
SCK / V_SPI_CLK / GPIO18 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO33 / ADC1_5 / Touch8 / XTAL32
U0_CTS / MSIO / V_SPI_Q / GPIO19 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO32 / ADC1_4 / Touch9 / XTAL32
SDA / V_SPI_HD / GPIO21 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO35 / ADC1_7
CLK2 / U0_RXD / GPIO3 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO34 / ADC1_6
CLK3 / U0_TXD / GPIO1 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO39 / ADC1_3 / SensVN
SCL / U0_RTS / V_SPI_WP / GPIO22 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO36 / ADC1_0 / SensVP
MOSI / V_SPI_WP / GPIO23 | [ ] |___________| [ ] | EN
| |
| | | ____ ____ | |
| | | | | | | | |
| |__|__| |__| |__| |
| O O |

LCD Example Code

This is an example code that demostrates how to utilize the LCD driver.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "driver/esp_lcd.h"
/* LCD task */
void lcd_task(void *pvParameters){
/* Create LCD object */
lcd_t lcd;
/* Set LCD to default pins */
/* Initialize LCD object */
/* Clear previous data on LCD */
/* Display Text */
lcdSetText(&lcd, "Hello World!", 0, 0);
/* 1 second delay */
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
void app_main(void){
/* Create LCD Task */
xTaskCreate(lcd_task, "LCD Task", 2048, NULL, 4, NULL);
void app_main()
Definition main.c:261
void lcd_task(void *pvParameters)
Definition main.c:16
lcd_err_t lcdSetText(lcd_t *const lcd, char *text, int x, int y)
Set text.
Definition esp_lcd.c:240
void lcdInit(lcd_t *const lcd)
Initialize LCD object.
Definition esp_lcd.c:105
lcd_err_t lcdClear(lcd_t *const lcd)
Clear LCD screen Detailed description starts here.
Definition esp_lcd.c:306
void lcdDefault(lcd_t *const lcd)
LCD default constructor.
Definition esp_lcd.c:154
LCD object.
Definition esp_lcd.h:48

Lab Template

#include <stdio.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "driver/esp_lcd.h"
/* Create Function to covert ADC Value to Voltage */
/* Create Function for ADC initialization */
void ADC_setup(void){
/* Create Function for PWM Initialization */
void PWM_setup(void){
/* Function for sweeper */
void sweeper_function(uint32_t val){
/* LCD task */
void lcd_task(void *pvParameters){
/* Setup LCD */
/* Get ADC Raw Readings */
/* Get Conversion */
/* Display Voltage onto LCD */
/* Change PWM output to match ADC readings */
void app_main(void){
/* Create LCD Task */
void sweeper_function(uint32_t val)
Definition main.c:12
void ADC_setup(void)
Definition main.c:8


Before anything you must add the library for the LCD driver onto the CMakeLists.txt which is found in the lab's main folder. This would be how to add it:

idf_component_register(SRCS "main.c"
