Graduation Cap

    The objective of this project was to create a customizable graduation cap!

    Graduates decorate their caps with stickers, quotes, and creative ideas however, as an engineer I decided to customize my cap with engineering.

    The board is a 2-layer PCB that was developed in KiCad and its firmware was developed in C. As an extra touch, its uses an real-time operating sytem (FreeRTOS) to allow scalability.


  • Developed custom graduation cap using ARM Cortex M0+ microcontroller (RP2040)
  • Populated and designed 2 layered printed circuit board (PCB) with KiCad
  • Utilized Raspberry Pi Software Development Kit (SDK) to developed C code
  • Kept track of hardware and software updated through version control (Git)

Source Code

Graduation Cap is maintain in GitHub.