Intelligent Portable Infrasound Array (IPIA)

    The objective of this project was to create a portable infrasound array.The system had the following requirements:

    ✓ Firmware running at real-time
    ✓ Read pressure sensor at 100hertz
    ✓ Wireless communication between two MCUs
    ✓ Capture system location using a GPS
    ✓ Time stamp capture data
    ✓ Solar tracker to find optimal postion for the battery charger


  • Delivered custom embedded software in real-time (FreeRTOS) to meet latency constraints of 10 ms
  • Established data acquisition of pressure sensor (DS-0091) at 80Hz with digital filter to avoid aliasing
  • Built short-distance wireless communication via Bluetooth (HC-05) by sending packets through UART
  • Integrated custom GPS (SIM33EAU) API by parsing serial data with NMEA protocol
  • Learned documentation system (Doxygen) to generate proper software documentation

Source Code

IPIA source code is maintain through GitHub and documentation in Doxygen.